воскресенье, 17 марта 2013 г.

Pleasure Reading #4

The second part of the novel is narrated by Miranda in the form of fragments from a diary that she keeps during her captivity. Clegg tries to please her around and Miranda beleives he is crazy. She realizes that everything is well planned and thought out for her. 7 days seem to be 7 weeks at the sellar. Сollectors is the worst on earth: anti-life, anti-art, anti-everything...The memories of her past vivid and exciting life absorb her gray reality. Miranda is still alive, but all the same she dead.

Years on end he sought in which he could embody his madness, and found Miranda.

Many of her diary entries are written either to her sister, or to a man named G.P., whom she respected and admired as an artist. Miranda reveals that G.P. ultimately fell in love with her, and subsequently severed all contact with her. Through Miranda's confined reflections, Fowles discusses a number of philosophical issues, such as the nature of art, humanity and God.

1 комментарий:

    ... from THE diary that she keeps during her captivity.
    7 days seem to be 7 weeks IN the sellar.
    Сollectors ARE the worst PEOPLE on earth: THEY ARE anti-life, anti-art, anti-everything... but all the same she IS dead.
