четверг, 28 февраля 2013 г.

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The article published on the website http://ofwitandwill.com  is headlined Life of Pi: the Movie or the Book?
The author of the article, Shauneen Henrick, gives us a detailed comparison of the Oscar's 2013 nominee Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee, and the book of the same name on which the film was based.  The film received 4 Oscars.

Speaking about the book: Life of Pi, was written by Yann Martel. The author of the article emphasize that there are minor differences between the book and the movie. The book places greater emphasis on the zoo animals,the book is quite gory and violent in spots – the words “blood and guts” come to mind when the hyena and the tiger attack. Unfortunately Lee wisely decided to downplay this aspect of the book in film version. the book discusses religion in greater detail.

The recently released movie, Life of Pi, directed by Ang Lee, is the story of Pi, a 16-year-old Indian boy who journeys to Canada in a Japanese freighter, the Tsimtsum, which sinks during a storm in the Pacific. His family and the animals from their zoo, which they planned to sell upon arrival in their new home, are lost. The film version is full of 3D effects. It's one of the main reasons of attracting so many visitors. It should be mentioned that all gripping scenec with the tiger seems masterful and deeply realistic.

Personally I like to read more than to watch, because while reading I can imaging everything that I've just read in my own way, in my own point of view. Unfortunately, I couldn't go to the cinema to "Life of Pi", but the book is perfect!

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